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Beyond Steel Tanks


In response to this hysteria, regulation was aggressively tightened. In 2012, an Israeli company called Protalix gained approval for their plant-based enzyme product for Gaucher’s disease. Kanuma, their FDA-approved protein product for rare lysosomal diseases, is “purified from the egg white of transgenic hens.”

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The Codon Guide to Synthetic Biology


Link Gene Expression & Regulation →Genetic regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of proteins , by Jacob F. & Gene Expression and Regulation. Link Biological Networks & Mathematics →Network motifs in the transcriptional regulation network of Escherichia coli , by Shen-Orr S.S. PNAS (2012).

DNA 98
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The Codon Guide to Synthetic Biology


Link Gene Expression & Regulation →Genetic regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of proteins , by Jacob F. & Gene Expression and Regulation. Link Biological Networks & Mathematics →Network motifs in the transcriptional regulation network of Escherichia coli , by Shen-Orr S.S. PNAS (2012).

DNA 52