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OTAT Town Hall on Cell Therapy CMC – The Recording is Available but Here’s an Appetizer

FDA Law Blog: Drug Discovery

As you may know, there are challenges related to developing potency assay(s), and the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine and the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy recently published a white paper on a workshop held to discuss these challenges. The workshop is also discussed in Cell & Gene here and here.

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Article EMA Thank You EMA finalizes clinical anticancer therapeutic guidance update

Agency IQ

Although this requirement is not new, EMA highlights the pathway for qualification of novel methodologies that could result in a letter of support to aid further development or full qualification, which then supports the acceptability of the method for its intended purpose.

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Article FDA Thank You The next chapter in the ctDNA story: Still promising, not ready for prime time

Agency IQ

The next chapter in the ctDNA story: Still promising, not ready for prime time A recent workshop summed up the state of play for circulating tumor DNA. It’s not necessarily just the assays themselves that need to be standardized, but when and how they are being used by clinicians.

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