Thu.Dec 21, 2023

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DDW top reads in 2023

Drug Discovery World

DDW’s Senior Digital Content Editor Diana Spencer reviews the year’s top ten articles. DDW’s top 10 most popular articles for 2023 reflect the key subjects in drug discovery and development. In a record year for gene therapy approvals, it isn’t surprising that cell & gene therapy (CGT) has been a hot topic. Other biotechnologies coming to the fore this year were antibody-drug conjugates and CRISPR gene editing.

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Could Treating the Pancreas Help Preschoolers With Autism?

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- It may seem a bit counterintuitive, but treating the pancreas of a child with autism could help ease problematic behaviors, new research shows.The key here, researchers say, is the link between dietary protein intake and.

Research 116

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New podcast on innovation in neuroscience

Drug Discovery World

This is the latest episode of the free DDW narrated podcast, titled “Where is the latest innovation in neuroscience?” which covers three written for Volume 23 – Issue 4, Fall 2022 of DDW. They are called: Taking a new approach to tackle neurodegenerative diseases , The rise of digital biomarkers in neuroscience drug development , and Keeping technology at the front of neuroscience research.

Disease 130
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How technology and economics can help save endangered species

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A lot has changed in the world since the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted 50 years ago in December 1973. Experts are now discuss how the ESA has evolved and what its future might hold.

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How Machine Learning Drives Clinical Trial Efficiency

Clinical trial data management is increasingly challenging as studies grow in complexity. Quickly accessing and analyzing study data is vital for assessing trial progress and patient safety. In this paper, we explore real-time data access and analysis for proactive study management. We investigate using adverse event (AE) data to monitor safety and discuss a clinical analytics platform that supports collaboration and data review workflows.

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AI-designed PHD 1/2 inhibitor for bowel disease enters human trials

Drug Discovery World

Insilico Medicine has initiated the first-in-human study for ISM5411, a poly hydroxylase domain (PHD) 1/2 inhibitor for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) designed by its generative AI platform. The company also plans to conduct global, multicentre Phase Ib trials in patients with ulcerative colitis following the Phase Ia study. “IBD impacts a large patient population who currently have limited therapeutic options,” said Sujata Rao, Chief Medical Officer at Insilico Medicine who i

Trials 130
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FDA Approves First Test to Spot Folks at High Risk of Opioid Use Disorder

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- A newly approved test can determine whether a person has a genetically driven risk of becoming addicted to opioids. The AvertD test, the first of its kind, uses a DNA sample swabbed from a patient’s cheek to.

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Five new species of soft-furred hedgehogs from Southeast Asia

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A new study identifies five new species of soft-furred hedgehogs from Southeast Asia. The study used DNA analysis and physical characteristics to describe two entirely new species of soft-furred hedgehogs and elevate three subspecies to the level of species.

DNA 109
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Biologics for bowel disease face threat from cheaper small molecules

Drug Discovery World

The total sales of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) drugs are estimated to reach approximately $10.2 billion in the US in 2023, according to analysts. The increase in IBD biologic treatments has been a major driving force in the growth of this market in recent years. In 2007, AbbVie’s Humira received approval from the FDA to treat moderate-severe Crohn’s disease (CD).

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Eye Drop Recalls: What You Need to Know

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- Dozens of over-the-counter lubricating eyedrops and artificial tears faced recall in 2023, due to contamination and unsafe manufacturing practices.“This year, we've seen an especially large number of recalls in.

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Drug Target Review – Issue 4 2023

Drug Target Review

As we navigate the current landscape of pharmaceutical exploration, we discern a future in which healthcare is characterised by personalised medicines and precision-targeted treatments. To provide comprehensive insights into ongoing developments, we are pleased to present the latest edition of Drug Target Review. This issue encompasses a spectrum of topics, including proteomics, upstream bioprocessing, immuno-oncology, CRISPR and screening.

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Deliver Fast, Flexible Clinical Trial Insights with Spotfire

Clinical research has entered a new era, one that requires real-time analytics and visualization to allow trial leaders to work collaboratively and to develop, at the click of a mouse, deep insights that enable proactive study management. Learn how Revvity Signals helps drug developers deliver clinical trial data insights in real-time using a fast and flexible data and analytics platform to empower data-driven decision-making.

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Over 200 Lead Poisoning Cases Now Linked to Tainted Fruit Puree Pouches

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- At least 205 cases of lead poisoning linked to contaminated fruit puree pouches have now been reported in the United States, federal health officials report.That's up from 125 cases in the last weekly tally, with 33.

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Supernova encore: Second lensed supernova in a distant galaxy

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

In November 2023, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope observed a massive cluster of galaxies named MACS J0138.0-2155. Through an effect called gravitational lensing, first predicted by Albert Einstein, a distant galaxy named MRG-M0138 appears warped by the powerful gravity of the intervening galaxy cluster. In addition to warping and magnifying the distant galaxy, the gravitational lensing effect caused by MACS J0138 produces five different images of MRG-M0138.

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Former Pro Football Players Show Troubling Brain Changes

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- Head injuries related to football might be tied to markers of dementia like brain shrinkage and decreased blood flow to the brain, a new study of former pro and college players reports.The study looked at signs of injury.

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New 1.5-billion-pixel image shows Running Chicken Nebula in unprecedented detail

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

While many holiday traditions involve feasts of turkey, soba noodles, latkes or Pan de Pascua, this year, the European Southern Observatory is bringing you a holiday chicken. The so-called Running Chicken Nebula, home to young stars in the making, is revealed in spectacular detail in this 1.5-billion-pixel image captured by the VLT Survey Telescope.

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Clinical Data Like You´ve Never Seen It Before: Why Spotfire Is the Leading Tool for Clinical Analytics

Clinical development organizations face a wide array of challenges when it comes to data, many of which can impact the operational effectiveness of their clinical trials. In this whitepaper, experts from Revvity Signals explore how solutions like TIBCO® Spotfire® enable better, more streamlined studies. The whitepaper also features a success story from Ambrx, a leading biopharmaceutical company, detailing how it has leveraged Spotfire to tackle data quality and collaboration challenges in clinic

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Is a Gluten-Free Diet Right for You?

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- Chances are you know at least one person who's given up eating gluten. Maybe you've even given it up yourself. But who can really benefit from a gluten-free diet? "Gluten is one of the main proteins found in wheat, barley.

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Bugs that help bugs: How environmental microbes boost fruit fly reproduction

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

Osaka, Japan – For many of us, when we think of microbiomes, our first thoughts are probably about the beneficial microorganisms that live in our guts. But now, researchers from Japan and US have discovered how the microbes living in fruit flies can enhance their reproduction.

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Candles, Trees, Pets: All Holiday Hazards for Kids With Asthma

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- Kids are home for the holidays, but the wonders of the season can pose problems for children with asthma.Sources of joy like Christmas trees, a Yule log burning or Grandma’s pet dog can all be unexpected asthma.

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New insights revealed on tissue-dependent roles of JAK signaling in inflammation

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have gained a deeper understanding of the nuanced roles of JAK inhibitors, or modulators, in inflammation across various cell types and tissues.

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Injected Xolair Therapy Could Prevent Food Allergies in Kids

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- A new treatment appears to reduce food allergies in children and teens, according to interim clinical trial results.A lab-made monoclonal antibody called omalizumab (Xolair) significantly increased the amounts of common.

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Organic compounds in asteroids formed in colder regions of space

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Analysis of organic compounds -- called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) -- extracted from the Ryugu asteroid and Murchison meteorite has found that certain PAHs likely formed in the cold areas of space between stars rather than in hot regions near stars as was previously thought. The findings open new possibilities for studying life beyond Earth and the chemistry of objects in space.

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Diabetes a Common Threat to Kids Who Survive Cancer

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- Kids who've survived cancer face many health challenges, and a heightened risk for diabetes is one of them, new research shows.A team at St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., reports that these children have.

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New type of antibody shows promise against multiple forms of flu virus

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

Researchers have identified a previously unrecognized class of antibodies—immune system proteins that protect against disease—that appear capable of neutralizing multiple forms of flu virus.

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Holidays Can Be Tough on Kids With ADHD, Anxiety: Some Tips for Parents

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- Kids with emotional problems or ADHD can find the holidays a very challenging time, as all the routines that provide a sense of order are jumbled in a whirl of activities.The kids are home from school and restless, their.

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J&J bets bigger on MeiraGTx’s eye gene therapy

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

Ahead of a Phase 3 readout that could come next year, the pharma is paying $130 million in upfront and near-term cash for rights to the retinitis pigmentosa treatment that it didn’t already own.

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Save the date for the 11th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2024 – Revolutionizing Future Medicine

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

Targeting Microbiota 2024: Vision, Strategies and Perspectives Credit: International Society of Microbiota Targeting Microbiota 2024: Vision, Strategies and Perspectives The 11th Annual Congress of the International Society of Microbiota (ISM), Targeting Microbiota 2024, is scheduled on October 17-18, at Corinthia Palace Malta.

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Could Spinal Cord Stimulation Ease Depression?

THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 2023 -- Believe it or not, your spinal cord may be a pathway to better mood and even an end to depression, new research suggests.Investigators at the University of Cincinnati stressed that their pilot study -- to see whether.

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Astronomers detect seismic ripples in ancient galactic disk

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A new snapshot of an ancient, far-off galaxy could help scientists understand how it formed and the origins of our own Milky Way. At more than 12 billion years old, BRI 1335-0417 is the oldest and furthest known spiral galaxy in our universe. The researchers were able to not only capture the motion of the gas around BRI 1335-0417, but also reveal a seismic wave forming -- a first in this type of early galaxy.

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Clene says its ALS drug data is not yet enough for FDA

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The agency said initial trial evidence wouldn’t support an accelerated approval, according to the company, which plans to provide more data next year.

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NASA's Hubble watches 'spoke season' on Saturn

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A new photo of Saturn was taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope on October 22, 2023, when the ringed planet was approximately 850 million miles from Earth. Hubble's ultra-sharp vision reveals a phenomenon called ring spokes.

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New patent for Kaleo Inc drug AUVI-Q

Drug Patent Watch

Annual Drug Patent Expirations for AUVI-Q Auvi-q is a drug marketed by Kaleo Inc and is included in one NDA. It is available from three suppliers. There are thirty-one patents… The post New patent for Kaleo Inc drug AUVI-Q appeared first on DrugPatentWatch - Make Better Decisions.

Drugs 59
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First high mountain settlers at the start of the Neolithic already engaged in other livestock activities apart from transhumance

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

An archaeological find in the Huescan Pyrenees allowed researchers to identify for the first time livestock management strategies and feeding practices which demonstrate how the first high mountain societies, at the start of the Neolithic period, were already carrying out complex livestock and farming activities, instead of being limited to the transhumance of sheep and goats.

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New tentative approval for Teva Pharms drug dasatinib

Drug Patent Watch

Dasatinib is the generic ingredient in two branded drugs marketed by Apotex and Bristol Myers Squibb and is included in three NDAs. There are two patents protecting this compound. Drug… The post New tentative approval for Teva Pharms drug dasatinib appeared first on DrugPatentWatch - Make Better Decisions.

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Insects already had a variety of defense strategies in the Cretaceous

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Analyses of amber show that insect larvae were already using a wide variety of tactics to protect themselves from predators 100 million years ago.

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New patent for Stemline Therap drug ORSERDU

Drug Patent Watch

Annual Drug Patent Expirations for ORSERDU Orserdu is a drug marketed by Stemline Therap and is included in one NDA. It is available from one supplier. There are seven patents… The post New patent for Stemline Therap drug ORSERDU appeared first on DrugPatentWatch - Make Better Decisions.

Drugs 59