Wed.May 08, 2024

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Plant-based drug can help people quit vaping, study shows 

Drug Discovery World

A plant-based medication called cytisinicline may be an effective therapy to help them stop vaping, according to the ORCA-V1 trial results in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine. Cytisinicline, also known as cytisine, baptitoxine, or sophorine, is an alkaloid that occurs naturally in several plant genera and has been used medically in relation to smoking cessation.

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There's a New Set of COVID Variants Called FLiRT: What You Need to Know

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- The virus behind COVID has mutated again, this time producing variants nicknamed FLiRT, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported.The variants are appearing in wastewater sampling, the CDC.

Virus 130

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New DDW Highlights episode: 8 May 2024

Drug Discovery World

The latest episode of the DDW Highlights podcast is now available to listen to below. DDW’s Megan Thomas narrates five key stories of the week to keep DDW subscribers up-to-date on the latest industry updates. The ongoing innovation and development in the drug discovery sector relies on a number of moving parts, one of which is financial support and backing.

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Drug patents protect pharma profits. Track when they’ll expire here.

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

Intellectual property is the foundation of the drug industry’s business model. This database will track key patent expiry dates for 30 top-selling medicines.

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How Machine Learning Drives Clinical Trial Efficiency

Clinical trial data management is increasingly challenging as studies grow in complexity. Quickly accessing and analyzing study data is vital for assessing trial progress and patient safety. In this paper, we explore real-time data access and analysis for proactive study management. We investigate using adverse event (AE) data to monitor safety and discuss a clinical analytics platform that supports collaboration and data review workflows.

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How can long-read nanopore sequencing support gene therapy delivery?

Drug Discovery World

Join DDW for this exclusive free event, ‘ rAAV genome sequencing with Oxford Nanopore uncovers transgene integrity and packaging impurities ’. The event will be supported by Oxford Nanopore Technologies. The event will feature experts Daniel Jachimowicz, Senior Bioscience Scientist at AstraZeneca BioPharmaceuticals R&D, Sweden, and Bastian Schiffthaler, Senior Data Scientist at AstraZeneca BioPharmaceuticals R&D, Sweden.

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AstraZeneca withdraws COVID-19 vaccine, citing declining demand

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The move ends a turbulent saga for AstraZeneca, which successfully developed a coronavirus shot but struggled to sell it amid competition and the emergence of rare but serious side effects.

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Swarms of miniature robots clean up microplastics and microbes, simultaneously

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

When old food packaging, discarded children's toys and other mismanaged plastic waste break down into microplastics, they become even harder to clean up from oceans and waterways. These tiny bits of plastic also attract bacteria, including those that cause disease. Researchers describe swarms of microscale robots (microrobots) that captured bits of plastic and bacteria from water.

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AI and machine learning: A new era for clinical trials

Drug Discovery World

Fiona Maini , Senior Director Global Compliance & Strategy, at Medidata looks at the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) within life sciences and the applications for the technology in clinical trials. The benefits that AI and machine learning (ML) can bring to society and their potential to radically change the world we live in can sometimes feel a little intangible, futuristic or even far-fetched.

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Possible atmosphere surrounding rocky exoplanet

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Researchers may have detected atmospheric gases surrounding 55 Cancri e, a hot rocky exoplanet 41 light-years from Earth. This is the best evidence to date for the existence of any rocky planet atmosphere outside our solar system.

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DDW Highlights: 8 May 2024

Drug Discovery World

The latest episode of the DDW Highlights podcast is now available to listen to below. DDW’s Megan Thomas narrates five key stories of the week to keep DDW subscribers up-to-date on the latest industry updates. The ongoing innovation and development in the drug discovery sector relies on a number of moving parts, one of which is financial support and backing.

Disease 130
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Deliver Fast, Flexible Clinical Trial Insights with Spotfire

Clinical research has entered a new era, one that requires real-time analytics and visualization to allow trial leaders to work collaboratively and to develop, at the click of a mouse, deep insights that enable proactive study management. Learn how Revvity Signals helps drug developers deliver clinical trial data insights in real-time using a fast and flexible data and analytics platform to empower data-driven decision-making.

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Pressure to be 'perfect' causing burnout for parents, mental health concerns for their children

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Is the status of 'perfect parent' attainable? Researchers leading a national dialogue about parental burnout say 'no,' and a new study finds that pressure to try to be 'perfect' leads to unhealthy impacts on both parents and their children.

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How CDISC SDTM Improves Cost & Quality in ISS/ISE in 2024


When investigating the efficacy and safety of a new drug/device it is sometimes necessary to combine the research from multiple clinical trials for your analysis. In such cases, it is important to consider the cost and quality of producing integrated summaries and how CDISC SDTM (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Study Data Tabulation Model) can aid in reducing costs and improving quality for Integrated Summary of Safety (ISS) and Integrated Summary of Efficacy (ISE) submissions.

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Rock steady: Study reveals new mechanism to explain how continents stabilized

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Ancient, expansive tracts of continental crust called cratons have helped keep Earth's continents stable for billions of years, even as landmasses shift, mountains rise and oceans form. A new mechanism may explain how the cratons formed some 3 billion years ago, an enduring question in the study of Earth's history.

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About 90% of U.S. Adults Are On the Way to Heart Disease

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- Nine of 10 American adults are in the early, middle or late stages of a syndrome that leads to heart disease, a new report finds, and almost 10% have the disease already."Poor cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic health.

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Clinical Data Like You´ve Never Seen It Before: Why Spotfire Is the Leading Tool for Clinical Analytics

Clinical development organizations face a wide array of challenges when it comes to data, many of which can impact the operational effectiveness of their clinical trials. In this whitepaper, experts from Revvity Signals explore how solutions like TIBCO® Spotfire® enable better, more streamlined studies. The whitepaper also features a success story from Ambrx, a leading biopharmaceutical company, detailing how it has leveraged Spotfire to tackle data quality and collaboration challenges in clinic

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'Wraparound' implants represent new approach to treating spinal cord injuries

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord could represent a new approach to the treatment of spinal injuries, which can cause profound disability and paralysis. A team of engineers, neuroscientists and surgeons developed the devices and used them to record the nerve signals going back and forth between the brain and the spinal cord.

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Big Rise in Emergencies Involving Synthetic Weed Among Kids, Adults

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- Calls to U.S. poison centers regarding so-called synthetic cannabis jumped 88% between 2021 and 2022, as use of these legally sold products rose, research shows.Synthetic cannabis contain varying forms of the active.

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Children sleep problems associated with psychosis in young adults

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Children who experience chronic lack of sleep from infancy may be at increased risk of developing psychosis in early adulthood, new research shows.

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Drive to Be 'Perfect' Parent Isn't Healthy, Survey Finds

THURSDAY, May 8, 2024 -- Parents striving to be “perfect” will never attain that goal, and the aim isn’t even healthy for their families, a new study says.The risks of striving for perfection are such that researchers have now created a scale.

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Heavy snowfall and rain may contribute to some earthquakes

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Episodes of heavy snowfall and rain likely contributed to a swarm of earthquakes over the past several years in northern Japan, researchers find. Their study shows climate conditions could initiate some earthquakes.

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Dogs Brought to U.S. Must Be Microchipped, Older Than 6 Months: CDC

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- Dogs brought into the United States from abroad must be compliant with new rules to help fight rabies in this country, according to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued.

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New target for potential leukemia therapy

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Investigators discovered that a subset of myeloid and lymphoid leukemias depend on a molecular complex called PI3Kgamma for survival. The study provides both mechanistic and preclinical evidence supporting the rapid initiation of clinical trials for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) to test an existing medicine that inhibits the complex, called eganelisib, both alone and in combination with the most used AML chemotherapy, cytarabine.

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How Mindfulness Could Help Folks Quit Opioids

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 — Using mindfulness to help people trying to overcome opioid addiction can boost their odds of continuing treatment, new research shows.The approach helps folks how to deal with tension, savor life and reframe their.

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Chemists produce new-to-nature enzyme containing boron

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Chemists created an enzyme with boronic acid at its reactive center. This approach can produce more selective reactions with boron, and allows the use of directed evolution to improve its catalytic power.

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Candy Company Recalls Products Due to Salmonella Risk

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- A Midwestern candy company has issued a massive recall due to the risk of salmonella tainting some of its products.Palmer Candy Company of Sioux City, Iowa, is recalling “white coated confectionary items” because they.

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'Mathematical microscope' reveals novel, energy-efficient mechanism of working memory that works even during sleep

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Researchers have discovered a mechanism that creates memories while reducing metabolic cost, even during sleep. This efficient memory occurs in a part of the brain that is crucial for learning and memory, and where Alzheimer's disease begins.

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How Bad Was Beethoven's Lead Poisoning?

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- No one knows what caused the liver and kidney disease that led to Ludwig van Beethoven’s untimely death.But one popular theory – that high lead levels killed the great composer – should be ruled out, researchers.

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A new, low-cost, high-efficiency photonic integrated circuit

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Researchers have developed scalable photonic integrated circuits, based on lithium tantalate, marking a significant advancement in optical technologies with potential to widespread commercial applications.

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Study Finds Heart Damage in 'Couch Potato' Kids

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- Children and young adults who are couch potatoes could wind up with enlarged hearts, increasing their risk of heart attack, stroke and early death.Sedentary behavior contributed as much as 40% to the total increase in.

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Regeneron gene therapy improves hearing in two children

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The results add to an early but growing body of evidence suggesting gene therapy may improve outcomes in young kids with a genetic form of deafness.

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More Than 321,000 U.S. Kids Lost a Parent to Drug ODs in a Decade

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- More than 320,000 U.S. children lost a parent to drug overdose during the past decade, according to a new study reported May 8 in JAMA Psychiatry.What’s more, the death rate accelerated during the period, more than.

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Drug Patent Expirations for the Week of May 5, 2024

Drug Patent Watch

DUAVEE (bazedoxifene acetate; estrogens, conjugated) Wyeth pharms Patent: 6,479,535 Expiration: May 6, 2024 See More … For more information on how DrugPatentWatch can help with your pharmaceutical business intelligence needs,… Source

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Helping Your Child Make Friends With a Child With Autism

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 -- Kids are very likely to make the acquaintance of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at some point, whether they know it or not.

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How does your genetics affect your weight and can drugs help?


How does your genetics affect your weight and can drugs help? | Insights from Giles Yeo How does your genetics affect your weight and can drugs help? We were able to have a chat with Giles Yeo, who researches the genetics of body weight, looking at how the brain influences of eating behaviour to find out more. Our brains make decisions on whether or not we should eat from hormone signals which tell it how much fat we currently have stored and what we have recently eaten.

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Mandatory HTAR Implementation in the EU: Part 2

thought leadership

How ProPharma Can Help You Ensure Compliance with the New HTAR Requirements The new Health Technology Assessment Regulation (HTAR) will set new requirements for pharmaceutical companies seeking registration and market access in the European Union (EU) for their products. This includes preparation and submission of a Joint Clinical Assessment (JCA) report to the European Commission (EC) before product launch.