Thu.Mar 28, 2024

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Breakthroughs in oncology research and drug discovery

Drug Discovery World

This 24-page eBook sponsored by Sino Biological explores the latest innovations in cancer therapeutics and where we can expect the greatest breakthroughs in the future. Download this exclusive eBook to learn more about: The opportunities and advances in cancer research Why liquid biopsies are important in precision medicine trials for cancer How genetic tuning will transform the reach for CAR-T therapies The latest developments in breast cancer therapy The post Breakthroughs in oncology research

Research 130
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U.S. Mpox Cases Rising Again as Vaccinations Lag

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- Mpox cases are climbing again in the United States, with the number of reported infections now twice as high as they were at this time last year, new government data shows.In response, public health experts have raised.

Vaccine 134

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Teva and Daiichi Sankyo found in breach of the UK ABPI Code

Drug Discovery World

Both Teva and Daichi Sankyo have been found to be in breach of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA). Teva was ruled in breach of several clauses of the 2019 Code for failing to include the black triangle for Ajovy in an article which, in the Panel’s view, Teva was responsible for and was promotional.

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New imaging method illuminates oxygen's journey in the brain

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A new bioluminescence imaging technique has created highly detailed, and visually striking, images of the movement of oxygen in the brains of mice. The method, which can be easily replicated by other labs, will enable researchers to more precisely study forms of hypoxia in the brain, such as the denial of oxygen to the brain that occurs during a stroke or heart attack.

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How Machine Learning Drives Clinical Trial Efficiency

Clinical trial data management is increasingly challenging as studies grow in complexity. Quickly accessing and analyzing study data is vital for assessing trial progress and patient safety. In this paper, we explore real-time data access and analysis for proactive study management. We investigate using adverse event (AE) data to monitor safety and discuss a clinical analytics platform that supports collaboration and data review workflows.

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Unlocking the potential of natural products in drug discovery

Drug Target Review

Between 2000 and 2020, approximately 30 percent of the newly introduced small molecule drugs were derived from natural products. 1 Surprisingly, however, less than one percent of the natural world’s chemical composition has been identified or studied by scientists. While plant-derived molecules (phytochemicals) have long played an essential role in drug discovery due to their diverse biological activities and chemical properties, the reliance on time-consuming and expensive screening techniques

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Alcohol raises heart disease risk, particularly among women

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Young to middle-aged women who reported drinking eight or more alcoholic beverages per week--more than one per day, on average--were significantly more likely to develop coronary heart disease compared with those who drank less, finds a study presented at the American College of Cardiology's Annual Scientific Session. The risk was highest among both men and women who reported heavy episodic drinking, or 'binge' drinking, and the link between alcohol and heart disease appears to be especially str

Disease 131

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Mechanism found to determine which memories last

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Neuroscientists have established in recent decades the idea that some of each day's experiences are converted by the brain into permanent memories during sleep the same night. Now, a new study proposes a mechanism that determines which memories are tagged as important enough to linger in the brain until sleep makes them permanent.

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Vector Space Biosciences: Leading Innovation in Space Medicine with AI


Space biosciences are on the verge of becoming one of the largest total addressable markets to ever exist, opening up vast opportunities for economic growth and scientific discovery.  In the realm of space exploration, one critical yet often overlooked aspect is the impact of space conditions on human health. The goal of sending humans to space for increasingly longer periods of time is contingent on our ability to ensure astronauts' health.

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Cases of Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Have Tripled in China, Posing a Global Threat

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- A strain of highly antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea first emerged in China in 2016, and cases of this tough-to-treat infection have tripled there in just five years, Chinese researchers report. It's a warning to the rest.

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DNA study IDs descendants of George Washington from unmarked remains, findings to aid service member IDs going back to World War II

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

New DNA sequencing technologies have identified the historical remains of George Washington's grandnephews, Samuel Walter Washington and George Steptoe Washington Jr., and their mother, Lucy Payne Washington, from unmarked, fragmentary bones left at the Harewood family cemetery in Charles Town, West Virginia, in the mid-1800s.

DNA 109
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Deliver Fast, Flexible Clinical Trial Insights with Spotfire

Clinical research has entered a new era, one that requires real-time analytics and visualization to allow trial leaders to work collaboratively and to develop, at the click of a mouse, deep insights that enable proactive study management. Learn how Revvity Signals helps drug developers deliver clinical trial data insights in real-time using a fast and flexible data and analytics platform to empower data-driven decision-making.

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Hormonal Meds for Birth Control, Menopause Linked to Brain Tumors

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- The contraceptive injection Depo-Provera and two drugs used for menopause relief could be linked to a heightened risk for brain tumors in some women, a new study warns.Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) increased.

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FDA approves Akebia anemia pill, two years after rejection

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The agency gave Akebia’s drug an OK after receiving more safety data, but imposed a strict boxed warning for its use that may limit uptake.

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Puerto Rico Declares Dengue Epidemic as Cases Climb

THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2024 -- Puerto Rico has declared a dengue epidemic following a surge in cases of the mosquito-borne disease in the U.S. territory.In total, there have been 549 cases, including 341 hospitalizations and 29 severe cases, reported.

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Navigating Market Access Challenges in Life Sciences Commercialization

Drug Channels

Today’s guest post comes from Bill Dupere, SVP of Product Development & Partnerships at Mercalis. Bill discusses specialty therapy access barriers, including payer utilization management techniques and “no coverage” policies. Contact Mercalis to learn about their Patient Support Services. Read on for Bill’s insights. Read more » © 2006-2024 HMP Omnimedia, LLC d/b/a Drug Channels Institute , an HMP Global Company.

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Clinical Data Like You´ve Never Seen It Before: Why Spotfire Is the Leading Tool for Clinical Analytics

Clinical development organizations face a wide array of challenges when it comes to data, many of which can impact the operational effectiveness of their clinical trials. In this whitepaper, experts from Revvity Signals explore how solutions like TIBCO® Spotfire® enable better, more streamlined studies. The whitepaper also features a success story from Ambrx, a leading biopharmaceutical company, detailing how it has leveraged Spotfire to tackle data quality and collaboration challenges in clinic

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These 3 Factors Make Your Brain More Vulnerable to Dementia

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- Out of a host of possible risk factors for dementia, three really stood out in a new analysis: Diabetes, air pollution and alcohol.British and American researchers used brain scans to focus on a neurological network they.

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Cell division quality control 'stopwatch' uncovered

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Biologists have uncovered a quality control timing mechanism tied to cell division. The 'stopwatch' function keeps track of mitosis and acts as a protective measure when the process takes too long, preventing the formation of cancerous cells.

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Just 30 Minutes Less Sitting Time Per Day Cuts Seniors' High Blood Pressure

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- Seniors wound up with lower blood pressure after they were coached to get up and move more often, a new study says.Health coaching successfully reduced sitting time for a group of older adults by just over 30 minutes a.

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Study explores the future of at-home cancer treatment

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

LOS ANGELES — A clinical trial from Keck Medicine of USC will test the feasibility of treating non-small cell lung cancer with immunotherapy provided at home.

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Too Often, Nearby Defibrillators Go Unused on People in Cardiac Arrest

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- There's been a big push over the past few years to get automated external defibrillators (AEDs) installed in public spaces, to help save lives threatened by cardiac arrest.Unfortunately, the devices are very seldom used.

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Impact of synbiotic supplements on the gut microbiome and overall health of penguins

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

A healthy gut plays an indispensable role in the absorption and metabolism of nutrients, maintaining immune function, and promoting general well-being. The profound impact of a healthy microbiome is not just limited to the gut, but there is mounting evidence that it influences almost every function of the body.

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Doctor Gets First U.S. Lung-Liver Transplant for Advanced Lung Cancer

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- Dr. Gary Gibbon didn’t have long to live. A harsh cocktail of chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy for his advanced lung cancer had permanently destroyed his lungs and caused irreparable damage to his.

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Unlocking supernova stardust secrets

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

New research has discovered a rare dust particle trapped in an ancient extra-terrestrial meteorite that was formed by a star other than our sun.

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Living in Poor Neighborhoods Nearly Doubles Risk of Heart Attacks, Stroke

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- Living in a poor and unhealthy neighborhood could nearly double a person’s risk of heart disease and stroke, a new study says.The findings indicate that all the factors that make for a crummy neighborhood -- air and.

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New study shows association of historical housing discrimination and shortfalls in colon cancer treatment

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – A nationwide study of 196 cities shows that housing discrimination from 90 years ago still casts a historical shadow of inequities in colon cancer care today, S.M. Qasim Hussaini, M.D.

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Good Sleep Can Make You Feel Young

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- A good night’s sleep can make you feel years younger, while crummy sleep leaves you doddering around like an oldster, a new study shows. Sleeping well enough to feel extremely sharp when you wake is associated with.

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Exploring the relationship between HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and the incidence of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis – findings from Denmark

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

In their research article published in Eurosurveillance, von Schreeb et al. challenge existing assumptions regarding the relationship between the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the incidence of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STI).

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Stressed? Some Genes Could Raise Your Heart Attack Risk

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- Folks with genetically-driven stress are more likely to suffer heart attacks after nerve-wracking events or times of unrest, a new study shows.People with above-average genetic scores linked to neuroticism and stress.

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FDA Approves Duvystat, New Oral Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

PLOS: DNA Science

A new drug has entered the arsenal against Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a genetic disease that affects boys and is challenging to treat. Boys 6 years and older can take Duvystat, to slow the course of the illness. FDA classifies it as a “nonsteroidal treatment” – not a gene therapy, but it affects gene expression. DMD Basics DMD affects one in every 3500 to 6000 male births worldwide; that’s approximately 6 per 100,000 in North America and Europe, according to the M

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High Rate of Suicidal Thoughts Among Black Men in Rural America: Study

THURSDAY, March 28, 2024 -- Suicidal thoughts and contemplation of death haunt the minds of many rural Black men in the United States, a new study reports.

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Biotech veteran Art Krieg postpones retirement to build an unorthodox drug startup

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

With Zola Therapeutics, Krieg plans to design and sell a series of cancer immunotherapies without the help of outside investors, he told BioPharma Dive.

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Wayne State University researchers uncover potential treatment targets for Zika virus-related eye abnormalities

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

DETROIT – A groundbreaking study published in the journal iScience presents crucial insights into the ocular effects of Zika virus infection during pregnancy and offers promising avenues for therapeutic intervention.

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Template Rendering in Lightning Web Components (LWC) Salesforce

Perficient: Drug Development

Hello Trailblazers! In the realm of Salesforce development, Lightning Web Components (LWC) have emerged as a powerful tool for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. At the heart of LWC lies its template rendering system, which governs how components display data and respond to user interactions. In this blog, we’ll learn about template rendering or conditional rendering in LWC and provide an example.

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Probiotics in kombucha mimic fasting and reduce fat stores in worms

SCIENMAG: Medicine & Health

In a new study, researchers found that the microbes in kombucha tea make changes to fat metabolism in the intestines of a model worm species that are similar to the effects of fasting.

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An Integrin Antibody Toolkit from IPI

addgene Blog

Integrins are essential cell surface receptors involved in complex signaling pathways and the linkage of intra- and extracellular environments. Found on nearly every cell in the human body, integrins are key to a diverse array of processes, including cell adhesion, migration, and signaling, as well as immune response, tissue repair, and kidney development.