Tue.May 28, 2024

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New drug could prevent sepsis-related organ failure

Drug Discovery World

A new drug could prevent sepsis-related organ failure and death by restoring the health of a patient’s blood vessels. Researchers from The University of Queensland and the Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH) have successfully tested the first-in-class drug in mice. Dr Mark Coulthard from UQ and the QCH’s Paediatric Intensive Care Unit said: “The reason for organ failure in sepsis patients is because the endothelial cells lining blood vessels become leaky, resulting in abnormal fluid shifts whic

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Strategy with Cyclophosphamide Could Expand Stem Cell Donor Pool for People Battling Blood Cancers


TUESDAY, May 28, 2024 -- An older drug used in a new way could open the path for more patients with potentially deadly blood cancers to receive a lifesaving stem cell transplant, a new study finds. The drug, cyclophosphamide, could help patients.

Drugs 111

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UK academic-SME collaborations bring new tech to drug discovery

Drug Discovery World

The Francis Crick Institute in the UK has announced the inception of six partnerships with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), focussed on the application of novel technologies to discovery projects led by Crick researchers. The collaborations are supported by a Business Engagement Fund award from the Medical Research Council (MRC), part of UK Research and Innovation.

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Scientists Developing mRNA-Based Vaccine Against H5N1 Bird Flu


TUESDAY, May 28, 2024 -- An experimental mRNA vaccine against the H5N1 avian flu is highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in lab animals, researchers report.The vaccine could help fight the H5N1 bird flu outbreaks now spreading in.

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How Machine Learning Drives Clinical Trial Efficiency

Clinical trial data management is increasingly challenging as studies grow in complexity. Quickly accessing and analyzing study data is vital for assessing trial progress and patient safety. In this paper, we explore real-time data access and analysis for proactive study management. We investigate using adverse event (AE) data to monitor safety and discuss a clinical analytics platform that supports collaboration and data review workflows.

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New eBook: Using imaging in drug discovery

Drug Discovery World

A new eBook is now available for download entitled ‘Using imaging in drug discovery’. According to a January 2024 report by market analysts Coherent Market Insights, the global bio-imaging market was estimated to be worth $5.74 billion in 2023 and is poised to reach $15.58 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 15.3% from 2023 to 2030. The growth will in part by driven by an increase in the use of imaging modalities in drug research and development.

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Simple food swaps could cut greenhouse gas emissions from household groceries by a quarter

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Switching food and drink purchases to very similar but more environmentally friendly alternatives could reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from household groceries by more than a quarter (26%), according to a new study.


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Nations Fail to Agree on Treaty on Preventing Next Pandemic


TUESDAY, May 24, 2024 -- Following two years of tough negotiations, efforts to craft a global treaty to help countries fight future pandemics have failed, the World Health Organization has acknowledged."WHO Member States have ended intensive.

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Florida fossil porcupine solves a prickly dilemma 10-million years in the making

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

An exceptionally rare fossilized porcupine skeleton discovered in Florida has allowed researchers to trace the evolutionary history for one of North America's rarest mammals.

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Even a Small Urban Garden Can Boost Your Microbiome


TUESDAY, May 28, 2024 -- A small urban garden can contribute to your health, especially if the garden contains rich soil, a new study shows.A one-month indoor gardening period increased the bacterial diversity of participants’ skin and appeared to i.

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Improved refrigeration could save nearly half of the 1.3 billion tons of food wasted each year globally

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A new study concludes that nearly half of the food waste, about 620 million metric tons, could be eliminated by fully refrigerated food supply chains worldwide. At the same time, fully refrigerated supply chains, or 'cold chains,' could cut food waste-related emissions of climate-warming greenhouse gases by 41% globally, according to a new study.

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Deliver Fast, Flexible Clinical Trial Insights with Spotfire

Clinical research has entered a new era, one that requires real-time analytics and visualization to allow trial leaders to work collaboratively and to develop, at the click of a mouse, deep insights that enable proactive study management. Learn how Revvity Signals helps drug developers deliver clinical trial data insights in real-time using a fast and flexible data and analytics platform to empower data-driven decision-making.

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Bird Flu Found in Beef Tissue; Officials Say It Did Not Enter Food Supply


TUESDAY, May 28 -- Bird flu virus has been detected in beef tissue from a sick dairy cow, but U.S. health officials stressed the country's meat supply remains safe.In an update issued Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said the cow.

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When should you neuter or spay your dog?

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A new study updates guidelines for when you should neuter or spay your dog to prevent increased risk of cancer or joint disorders.

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Perficient @ The 2024 Michigan Kidney Walk

Perficient: Drug Development

On Sunday, May 19th, 2024, 21 individuals consisting of Perficient employees and their family members, participated in the 2024 Michigan Kidney Walk at the Detroit Zoo. This annual event aims to raise funds for the National Kidney Foundation, an organization that provides critical support to those affected by kidney disease. A Tradition of Giving This year marked our third consecutive participation in the Kidney Walk.

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Epidurals Linked to Better Outcomes After Childbirth


TUESDAY, May 28, 2024 -- Women who get an epidural during delivery appear to have a marked reduction in serious complications the first few weeks after giving birth, a new study shows.A painkilling epidural can reduce risk by 35% in women for.

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Clinical Data Like You´ve Never Seen It Before: Why Spotfire Is the Leading Tool for Clinical Analytics

Clinical development organizations face a wide array of challenges when it comes to data, many of which can impact the operational effectiveness of their clinical trials. In this whitepaper, experts from Revvity Signals explore how solutions like TIBCO® Spotfire® enable better, more streamlined studies. The whitepaper also features a success story from Ambrx, a leading biopharmaceutical company, detailing how it has leveraged Spotfire to tackle data quality and collaboration challenges in clinic

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Antibodies 101: Designing Your First Flow Panel

addgene Blog

When analyzing your cells using flow cytometry, you are typically measuring the presence or absence of certain markers on the surface or the inside of your cells. While proteins themselves can emit intrinsic fluorescence when excited with ultraviolet (UV) light, they do so via aromatic amino acids found in all proteins, so you can't distinguish the different proteins from each other.

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Why do Dyeing poison frogs tap dance?

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

The toe tapping behavior of various amphibians has long attracted attention from researchers and pet owners. Despite being widely documented, the underlying functional role is poorly understood. In a new paper, researchers demonstrate that Dyeing poison frogs modulate their taps based on specific stimuli.

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Harnessing natural killer cells to combat age-related diseases

Drug Target Review

How do senescent cells contribute to degenerative diseases, cancer, and immuno-senescence? Senescence is a central hallmark of aging. Telomere damage, epigenetic dysregulation, DNA damage and mitochondrial dysfunction are primary drivers of damage in aging. Several of these drivers of damage can induce senescence. Senescence can in turn drive the consequential clinical hallmarks of aging: stem cell exhaustion, proteomic dysregulation and chronic inflammation.

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CDC Warns Again of Salmonella Tied to Backyard Poultry


TUESDAY, May 28, 2024 -- Backyard chickens are causing outbreaks of salmonella across the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns.About 109 people in 29 states have gotten sick from salmonella after touching or.

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Agios cashes in on cancer drug again with $905M Royalty Pharma deal

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The deal involves royalties for a brain cancer drug Agios previously sold off and that Royalty Pharma thinks could generate more than $1 billion in U.S. sales.

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How killifish embryos use suspended animation to survive over 8 months of drought

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

The African turquoise killifish lives in ephemeral ponds in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. To survive the annual dry season, the fish's embryos enter a state of extreme suspended animation or 'diapause' for approximately 8 months. Now, researchers have uncovered the mechanisms that enabled the killifish to evolve this extreme survival state.

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Insmed shares double as lung drug data convince Wall Street

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

After reporting positive clinical trial results for its drug brensocatib, Insmed plans to later this year file for U.S. approval in bronchiectasis that’s not associated with cystic fibrosis.

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Chemical Biology and Drug Design

Cover Image © molekuul_be/Shutterstock.

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Roche’s Sabry retires; Duchenne drug fails confirmatory test

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The veteran executive will be replaced by Boris Zaïtra. Elsewhere, Nippon Shinyaku shared negative Phase 3 data and Merck unveiled new breast cancer results for Keytruda.

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Researchers have located the brain network responsible for stuttering

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

An international research group succeeded in identifying the probable origin of stuttering in the brain.

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Differentiating Your Inflammatory Disease Product: Common Challenges


Written by Susannah Sadler and Stacy Grieve Launching a treatment for inflammatory diseases can be a make-or-break endeavor. A robust evidence base and a compelling value story are crucial to success, but current challenges and unexpected bumps in the road will require creative solutions. Here we describe three case study examples of common issues faced in the inflammatory disease space and how these challenges were overcome using novel solutions, ultimately leading sponsors to submission succes

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Bringing back an ancient bird

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Using ancient DNA extracted from the toe bone of a museum specimen, biologists have sequenced the genome of an extinct, flightless bird called the little bush moa, shedding light into an unknown corner of avian genetic history. The work is the first complete genetic map of the turkey-sized bird whose distant living cousins include the ostrich, emu, and kiwi.

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The future of medicine: AI’s role in uncovering new drugs

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a revolution in the pharmaceutical industry, reshaping the way we approach complex biological challenges.

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E&C lawmakers grill directors of FDA medical product centers

Agency IQ

BY RACHEL COE, MSC The House E&C Health Subcommittee Hearing on May 22 featured an extensive grilling of the leaders of FDA’s three medical products centers: CDER, CBER and CDRH. Representatives on both sides of the aisle took full advantage of their floor time to probe FDA leadership on its spending, performance and specific regulatory policies – including its recent Laboratory Developed Test final rule.

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Einstein Personalization and Salesforce Connections 2024: AI Integration at the Forefront

Perficient: Drug Development

Attending Salesforce Connections 2024 at McCormick Place in Chicago was an energizing experience, highlighting the forefront of AI integration in business operations. The event gathered industry leaders to explore the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, data integration, and commerce, with a clear focus on how these technologies are reshaping the business landscape.

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Updates to TSCA new chemicals regulations hit OIRA for review

Agency IQ

BY WALKER LIVINGSTON, ESQ The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has begun review of a final rule that will change how the EPA handles new chemical reviews under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). This final rule follows a proposed rule released almost exactly one year ago. Fill out the form to read the full article.

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New patent for Alexion Pharms drug VOYDEYA

Drug Patent Watch

Annual Drug Patent Expirations for VOYDEYA Voydeya is a drug marketed by Alexion Pharms Inc and is included in one NDA. It is available from one supplier.

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New FDA guidance on addressing misinformation under White House review

Agency IQ

BY LAURA DIANGELO, MPH A new question-and-answer draft guidance document focused on “addressing misinformation” about regulated life sciences products is currently under administrative review at the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). The new draft document comes as FDA leadership has been flagging concerns about misinformation, including in public testimony and reports.

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New patent for Mallinckrodt Hosp drug INOMAX

Drug Patent Watch

Annual Drug Patent Expirations for INOMAX Inomax is a drug marketed by Mallinckrodt Hosp and is included in one NDA. It is available from one supplier.

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Commission issues methodology to measure microplastics in drinking water

Agency IQ

BY SCOTT STEPHENS, MPA The Commission has issued a delegated act to harmonize the methodology for measuring microplastics in water intended for human consumption across member states. Many of these substances will eventually be included in a watch list and monitored for their potential risks to human health. The EU’s Directive (EU) 2020/2184 on the quality of water intended for human consumption (DWD) sets the standards for drinking water quality throughout the European Economic Area (EEA).