Wed.May 29, 2024

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How to get the biopharma deal you want

Drug Discovery World

Dr Neela Patel, Chief Business Officer at Bonum Therapeutics, offers advice on how to negotiate a winning deal in biopharma that meets investors’, buyers’ and sellers’ goals. Business development (BD) is an essential ingredient to the success of early-stage companies, whether they plan to exit through M&A, IPO, or have other mechanisms to return money to investors.

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Understanding colon cancer screening guidelines


Colorectal cancer, often shortened just to colon cancer, is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States aside from skin cancers. While there are treatments available, including radiation and chemotherapy, the most important aspect of successful treatment is early detection — which is why knowing the colon cancer screening guidelines is essential.

Treatment 119

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Plant-based drug reduces symptoms in functional diarrhoea patients

Drug Discovery World

This World Digestive Health Day, Napo Pharmaceuticals has announced positive results of a third-party, investigator-initiated study of crofelemer, Napo’s novel plant-based prescription drug. The study results show that twice daily oral administration of crofelemer led to a statistically meaningful reduction of abdominal pain and discomfort and improved stool consistency in functional diarrhoea patients when compared to placebo.

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Public have no difficulty getting to grips with an extra thumb, study finds

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Researchers have shown that members of the public have little trouble in learning very quickly how to use a third thumb -- a controllable, prosthetic extra thumb -- to pick up and manipulate objects. The team tested the robotic device on a diverse range of participants, which they say is essential for ensuring new technologies are inclusive and can work for everyone.

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How Machine Learning Drives Clinical Trial Efficiency

Clinical trial data management is increasingly challenging as studies grow in complexity. Quickly accessing and analyzing study data is vital for assessing trial progress and patient safety. In this paper, we explore real-time data access and analysis for proactive study management. We investigate using adverse event (AE) data to monitor safety and discuss a clinical analytics platform that supports collaboration and data review workflows.

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Microbiome-based therapeutic shows potential in refractory cancers

Drug Discovery World

Biomica has revealed encouraging initial findings from an ongoing Phase I clinical trial of its microbiome-based immuno-oncology candidate, BMC128, in combination with an anti-PD1 immune checkpoint inhibitor. The trial is assessing the drug in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), melanoma, or renal cell carcinoma (RCC). All 11 trial participants had experienced disease progression in prior immunotherapy treatment before joining the trial.

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Combo Therapy Boosts Survival for Advanced Colon Cancer

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- People battling advanced colon cancers might have a new treatment option that could extend their survival, a new trial finds.A combination of two experimental immunotherapy drugs plus standard chemotherapy led to a median.

Therapies 119

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Scent detection dogs discern odour molecules better than previously thought

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

According to a recent study, dogs trained to detect scent may be able to identify significantly lower concentrations of odour molecules than has previously been documented.

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For Minor Health Issues, Pharmacist Care May Be the Low-Cost Option

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- Allowing pharmacists to treat minor illnesses could potentially expand health care access to more people and save millions of dollars, a new study suggests.Care for a range of minor health issues -- urinary tract.

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Can robots break the cell therapy bottleneck?

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

A partnership between cell therapy delivery specialist Portal Biotechnologies and precision robotics maker Multiply Labs could address manufacturing hurdles, the CEOs said.

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Acute sense of touch helps hummingbirds hover near a flower without bumping into it

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Hummingbird flight mechanics have been well studied but far less is known about how their sense of touch helps them sip nectar from a flower without bumping into it. Most of what scientists know about how touch is processed in the brain comes from studies on mammals, but bird brains are very different from mammal brains. New research shows that touch and air pressure on the wings and legs activate specific clusters of neurons in two regions of the forebrain to create a map of their body, which m

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Deliver Fast, Flexible Clinical Trial Insights with Spotfire

Clinical research has entered a new era, one that requires real-time analytics and visualization to allow trial leaders to work collaboratively and to develop, at the click of a mouse, deep insights that enable proactive study management. Learn how Revvity Signals helps drug developers deliver clinical trial data insights in real-time using a fast and flexible data and analytics platform to empower data-driven decision-making.

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Doctors May Have Tried to Treat Cancer in Ancient Egypt

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- A 4,000-year-old skull provides evidence that ancient Egyptians might have tried to treat cancer, a new study claims.Microscopic observation of the skull revealed 30 or so lesions scattered across its surface that are.

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Moon orbiting 'dinky' asteroid is actually two tiny moons stuck together

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

The moon orbiting the asteroid Dinkinesh is actually two tiny moons stuck together. Collectively called 'Selam,' the two moonlets bring new insight into the complex processes behind planetary formation and evolution.

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AI Implant Allows Stroke Survivor to Communicate in Both Spanish, English

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- A bilingual brain implant has allowed a stroke survivor to communicate in both Spanish and English, scientists report. Turning to an AI method known as a neural network, researchers trained the patient's implant to.

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Editing without 'cutting': Molecular mechanisms of new gene-editing tool revealed

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

New research has determined the spatial structure of various processes of a novel gene-editing tool called 'prime editor.' Functional analysis based on these structures also revealed how a 'prime editor' could achieve reverse transcription, synthesizing DNA from RNA, without 'cutting' both strands of the double helix. Clarifying these molecular mechanisms contributes greatly to designing gene-editing tools accurate enough for gene therapy treatments.

RNA 101
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Clinical Data Like You´ve Never Seen It Before: Why Spotfire Is the Leading Tool for Clinical Analytics

Clinical development organizations face a wide array of challenges when it comes to data, many of which can impact the operational effectiveness of their clinical trials. In this whitepaper, experts from Revvity Signals explore how solutions like TIBCO® Spotfire® enable better, more streamlined studies. The whitepaper also features a success story from Ambrx, a leading biopharmaceutical company, detailing how it has leveraged Spotfire to tackle data quality and collaboration challenges in clinic

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Could Tattoos Be Linked to Blood Cancer Risk?

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- Research suggests that tattoo ink spurs inflammatory changes that might contribute to the development of lymphoma.The findings are early, however, and more study must be done to confirm any links between tattooing and the.

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Menstrual periods are arriving earlier for younger generations, especially among racial minority and lower-income individuals

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

The average age at menarche -- the first menstrual period -- has been decreasing among younger generations in the U.S., especially those belonging to racial minorities and lower socioeconomic statuses, according to a new study. It also found that the average time it takes for the menstrual cycle to become regular is increasing.

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Bird Flu Spotted in Alpacas for First Time

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- Bird flu has been detected for the first time in alpacas, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced Tuesday.The animals that tested positive were on a farm in Idaho where poultry that had tested positive for the.

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Electrochromic films -- like sunglasses for your windows?

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Advances in electrochromic coatings may bring us closer to environmentally friendly ways to keep inside spaces cool. Like eyeglasses that darken to provide sun protection, the optical properties of these transparent films can be tuned with electricity to block out solar heat and light. Now, researchers report demonstrating a new electrochromic film design based on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that quickly and reliably switch from transparent to glare-diminishing green to thermal-insulating re

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Vaccines Will Be Best Defense Against Bird Flu, Experts Say

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- Humanity’s best protection against bird flu will be the development of effective vaccines, a new study says.The H5N1 avian flu has been raging through cattle and poultry in the United States, increasing fears that the v.

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Bio-inspired cameras and AI help drivers detect pedestrians and obstacles faster

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Artificial intelligence (AI) combined with a novel bio-inspired camera achieves 100 times faster detection of pedestrians and obstacles than current automotive cameras. This important step for computer vision and AI and can greatly improve the safety of automotive systems and self-driving cars.

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Early Exposure to Peanuts Can Prevent Long-Term Allergy

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- Feeding kids peanuts early in childhood can drastically reduce their risk of developing a peanut allergy, a new clinical trial reports.Children regularly fed peanut products from infancy to age 5 had a 71% lower rate of.

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The case of the missing black holes

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Researchers have applied the well-understood and highly verified quantum field theory, usually applied to the study of the very small, to a new target, the early universe. Their exploration led to the conclusion that there ought to be far fewer miniature black holes than most models suggest, though observations to confirm this should soon be possible.

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Light Therapy Might Help Heal Injured Brains

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- Near-infrared light pulsing into a person’s skull appears to boost healing in patients with a severe concussion, a new study finds.Patients who wore a helmet emitting near-infrared light displayed a greater change in c.

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Bird flu: Diverse range of vaccines platforms 'crucial' for enhancing human pandemic preparedness

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Review of research to-date suggests vaccination remains the most effective strategy for avian influenza prevention and control in humans, despite varying vaccine efficacy across strains.

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Kids in Noisy Neighborhoods More Prone to Anxiety

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- Children exposed to traffic and other noise in their neighborhoods may be at higher risk for anxiety, researchers conclude, while air pollution could raise risks for other mental health woes."Childhood and adolescent.

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Orchids support seedlings through 'parental nurture' via shared underground fungal networks

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

Orchid plants nurture their seedlings via an underground fungal network, new research has revealed.

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U.S. Girls Are Beginning Periods Earlier

WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2024 -- U.S. girls are getting their periods at younger ages, a new study has found.Girls born between 2000 and 2005 started their periods at an average age of 11.9 years -- a half year earlier than the average age of 12.5 years.

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New technique offers more precise maps of the Moon's surface

Science Daily: Pharmacology News

A new study may help redefine how scientists map the surface of the Moon, making the process more streamlined and precise than ever before.

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J&J antidepressant eases symptoms, improves sleep in key trial

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The company has put high expectations on the drug, an orexin-2 antagonist called seltorexant, as a cornerstone of its neuropsychiatry pipeline.

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Prioritizing our Healthcare Workers: The Importance of Addressing the Intersection of Workplace Violence and Mental Health and Wellbeing

NIOSH Science Blog: Drugs

Workplace violence impacts the mental health and wellbeing of the healthcare workforce. The negative outcomes not only affect the healthcare worker but can trickle down to patient safety and satisfaction. It is important that healthcare institutions implement workplace violence prevention programs that benefit the entire healthcare workforce. This blog post highlights current efforts across government and industry to address this critical issue.

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A biotech working on a new approach to IVF raises $33M in fresh funding

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

The Series B funding from Two Sigma Ventures, RA Capital and others will help Gameto develop technology it says could replace hormonal injections and shorten the IVF process.

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New patent expiration for Xspire Pharma drug ZONTIVITY

Drug Patent Watch

Annual Drug Patent Expirations for ZONTIVITY Zontivity is a drug marketed by Xspire Pharma and is included in one NDA. There are two patents protecting this drug.

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Merck to buy eye drug developer for $1.3B

BioPharma Drive: Drug Pricing

An acquisition of EyeBio will hand Merck a treatment for diabetic macular edema and age-related macular degeneration that’s ready for pivotal testing.

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New patent expiration for Xspire Pharma drug ZONTIVITY

Drug Patent Watch

Annual Drug Patent Expirations for ZONTIVITY Zontivity is a drug marketed by Xspire Pharma and is included in one NDA. There are two patents protecting this drug.

Drugs 59